Ravi Kumar, a 15-year-old boy hailing from the Saukchisarai village in the Nalanda district of Bihar,India. Ravi’s life took a tragic turn when he lost his parents, leaving him and his siblings vulnerable.

Ravi Kumar belongs to a traditional labor family, with his father, Late Dyanand Manjhi, working as a construction laborer.Tragedy struck when Ravi’s father fell from a building   he was working on and succumbed to his injuries. This incident left Ravi’s mother,Tara Devi, in a state of shock, and she, too, passed away after six months. Mrs. Mano Devi, Ravi’s grandmother, took on the role of the caregiver.Ravi Kumar experienced immense emotional turmoil following the loss of both his parents.

As a member of the Mushar community, a marginalized group within the Scheduled Caste, Ravi faced discrimination and name-calling based on his caste. This adversely affected his self-esteem and motivation to attend school. Due to the emotional distress and caste-based discrimination he faced at school, Ravi decided to drop out, discontinuing his education.

Ravi’s life started to change for the better when he was identified as part BJUP innititive which focuses on child protection and welfare. The BJUP team provided intensive Counseling sessions  to Ravi to address his grief and help him overcome the trauma of losing his parents. The counselors also provided guidance to boost his self-esteem and resilience. Ravi was encouraged to return to school, and the team provided him with the necessary support to ensure he could continue his education. Efforts were made to sensitize teachers and students at Ravi’s school about the importance of inclusivity and eliminating caste-based discrimination.

 “By addressing the emotional trauma, discrimination, and barriers to education, Ravi has been given a chance to break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage. His progress highlights the importance of continued efforts to protect and empower children in challenging circumstances, ultimately helping them build a brighter future.” Says Puspa Pandey (Councellor at BJUP)

Ravi Kumar’s story serves as an inspiring example of how child protection initiatives and community support can transform the lives of vulnerable children.The interventions yielded significant importance of child protection and support systems in ensuring a brighter future for children in challenging circumstances

 “Now I actively participate in classroom activities and love to go to school daily.With the support of the BJUP team, I received essential dry food materials, ensuring my basic nutritional needs are met.He is no longer affected by caste-based name-calling, thanks to

BJUP team for all the support.” Says Ravi with a big smile on his face.

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